MBA GlobalNet has teamed with MBA-Exchange ( to offer a truly global executive and managerial talent solution for finding experienced MBAs for full-time jobs.
Our combined membership base is approximately 150,000 MBAs around the world.
Our Services
1) Proactive Search & Selection For Full-Time Jobs in North America
$10,000 Success Hiring Fee or 10% for jobs under $100,000
2) Proactive Search & Selection For Full-Time Jobs in Europe And Asia
$2500 upfront plus $10,000 Minimum Success Hiring Fee, based on services requested
We excel in finding a short-list of candidates for our client within two or three weeks of the posted opportunity. We conduct our search "in-membership" and consistently receive referred candidates by our Members.
We have passive candidates who joined our respective services because our focus is on high-quality jobs for high-quality MBA professionals from the top business schools.
If you seek a MBA-degreed person for a job, we're a great resource. We also focus on recruiting candidates interested in returning to their own country or who are already located locally.
Our Target Companies:
- Companies throughout the world who have challenging jobs who seek exceptionally talented individuals
- U.S. companies who need to hire internationally
- European and Asian companies who want to hire for U.S. jobs
Please Note:
Our fees are lower than traditional executive recruiters because we rarely search outside of our OPT-IN members.
Therefore, you save money working with us and we quickly provide screened, qualified candidates.
Please contact us at